The repeaters/nodes are as follows:
Node 1973 is 449.225 minus offset with a 141.3 Hz tone on Thorodin Mountain. Covers Denver/Boulder
Node 1967 is 447.625 minus offset with a 100.0 hz tone in Black Forest. Thanks to KD0MDP for sponsoring this machine!
Node 1968 is 448.325 minus offset with a 100.0 Hz tone in Westcliffe
Node 1969 is 447.275 minus offset with 100 hz PL in Pueblo, CO
Node 1970 is 449.975 Simulcast has minus offset with 100 hz PL at Cedarwood (20 miles south of Pueblo) , Westcreek (10 miles north of Woodland Park) and Methodist (Salida). This frequency covers the Denver, Pueblo, Salida and San Luis Valley.
Node 1971 is 448.975 minus offset with 100 hz PL in Pueblo West, CO
Node 1974 is 447.250 minus offset with 100 hz PL in Cañon City on Fremont Peak
Node 1983 is 448.150 minus offset with 141.3 Hz PL about 3 miles from DIA/East Denver provided by Mike K0GUR
Node 1991 DStar XRF/DCS/REF815 Module B bridge
Node 1993 YSF 53927 US-CO-WE0FUN bridge
Node 1994 NXDN 31081 bridge
Node 1996 M17-815 Module B bridge
Node 1997 is TGIF DMR Talkgroup 815
Node 1972 is a 2 meter channel agile remote base in Pueblo which is linked to this system and gives us the ability to cross-link the system to other repeaters or repeater systems in the area.
Node 43265 is an affiliate node on Bristol Peak near Creede on 449.525- 100.0 hz. Thanks to Jay N0PKT for sponsoring this machine
Internet Hub Node Allstar 28298 in Cañon City which may or may not be accessible via the internet.
West Hub Node Allstar 28299 in Cañon City which may or may not be accessible via the internet.
Denver HUB 28368/Echolink *CANONCTY* is in a Denver Datacenter and is used for bridging our systems to the public allstar/echolink world.